There are something
2019|summer|Chairs, flowerpots, cloth, paper, pillows, alarm clock, mosquito lamp, wooden booth, elastic band hanging wire|Dimensions Variable|Beitou Center New Village (A group exhibition in a ruin during the institute's time)
Maybe I didn't properly make these objects truly works, I think this complete space is.
There is almost no difference between works and daily objects this time. There are works wherever you walk in the village. As long as you look at it with the perspective of looking for works, small and strange things can be part of it, but what have I done? It's just an orderly placement of objects in an appropriately proportioned space.
The alarm clock placed on the curtain rails has a ten-minute sound every day, evoking a daily count in the semi-ruin; the panoramic view of the window removed; the bed and sleep that once existed are replaced by comfortable sleep. Mosquito lamps and tents; large cupboards; two pieces of paper on the wall where the wind can pass; there are mischievous sun-drying pillows on the outside; and the doors and windows are left outside to dry as if the room is being cleaned.